Mom and son looking at tablet

Civic Content and Services

Supporting your journey to lasting character.

When you choose the Civic Character Formation Project, your subscription features the vivid narratives of hundreds of historical and contemporary Americans whose stories compel the Character Grower to reflect on timeless virtues. The narratives and lesson plans are designed to ignite rich conversations and form lasting, internally motivated character.

A fulfilling and virtuous life is expressed when one’s Identity, Purpose, and Actions are completely aligned. Here’s how our Civic content supports this alignment:

  • We build our view of Identity on the following truth: “All people are created equal.” This truth provides essential perspective on what it means to be human and to treat others humanely
  • As members of a civil society, we share a common Purpose to advance human freedoms for ourselves and others. These human freedoms include life, liberty and the opportunity to pursue a fulfilling life
  • To preserve and advance these freedoms, people in a civil society must engage and interact in humane ways with one another. As such, our Actions are guided by a framework of civic virtues. The seven civic virtues used in the Character Formation Project are drawn from the personal stories of diverse individuals who have advanced these human freedoms in their own lives

The seven civic virtues:

Our Civic programming focuses on seven virtues which have been exhibited throughout time by countless individuals who have worked to advance human freedom. The seven virtues are Justice, Respect, Responsibility, Integrity, Self-Sacrifice, Diligence and Courage.

Civic content features:

  • A vast narrative library featuring stories from the American colonial period through present day
  • The narrative library contains an ethnically, racially, and socio-economically diverse group of characters and settings
  • 504 Facilitator Guides that provide background information about the narratives
  • 504 lesson plans that guide users through the discovery question technique and the 3-step character formation process
  • Recommended content tailored for various age levels, PK-12
  • Expandable for all educational settings including classrooms, professional development and after-school care programs
  • Content is supported by an intuitive online platform along with a mobile app that promotes engagement between parents, teachers, students and/or other mentors
  • Both digital and print-friendly materials
  • Video training modules guide users through the platform and build familiarity with the character formation process.
  • Onsite training available

Additional customization and support

Our online platform is designed to make accessing the materials convenient and affordable. It increases engagement, enables co-creation, and unlocks the potential of the collective of Character Growers.

Your partnership agreement also can include:

  • Customization of character programming to align with your unique application or setting
  • A combination of online video training modules and onsite training by experienced, world-class trainers