Why Character?
Character is an internal energy that inspires us to act, restrains us from acting, and gives us the wisdom or moral compass to know when each action is appropriate. Everything we do in life is driven by our character. When character is acquired and held internally, it leads to a virtuous life, lived for a Greater Purpose.
Greater Purpose is a cause or passion we love deeply, for which we would
relinquish our own self-interest. It is a context bigger than ourselves. As members of a civil society,
we share a common purpose to advance human freedoms for ourselves and others.
These human freedoms include life, liberty and the opportunity to pursue a fulfilling life.
The Civic Character Formation Project grows character in
the larger context of preserving human freedom. Concepts come
alive through the vivid stories of historical and contemporary
Americans who acted to preserve and advance human freedom.
Character is not what I do. It is who I am.
The Civic Character Formation Project guides participants through a unique process that deepens their understanding of Identity (who I am), Purpose (why I exist), and Actions (how my actions serve a Greater Purpose). Our process unfolds within the greater context of advancing human freedom. The result is internally held character that motivates acts of virtue.
Seven key virtues are explored and practiced throughout the process. While these virtues are an essential part of the process, virtuous living is not the end goal. Rather, virtues are a means to accomplish Greater Purpose.

Our team has developed hundreds of vivid narratives, lesson
plans and facilitator guides for a variety of educational settings.
Our online platform and app for mobile devices enable parents,
teachers, students and other mentors to collaborate
on the character formation journey.
- Limited prep time
- Rich conversation starters
- Mobile and print-friendly versions
- Online and onsite training modules available
- Join a community of character growers
Learn how your school or organization
can join the Character Formation Project.